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Choosing an agency for Australian Immigration

It took me quite I while to decide.  There are plenty of Immigration Agencies over the internet and in Cebu and Manila that advertise in Facebook.  If you're from the Philippines, you must have seen it at the right side of your Facebook page.

It is important to note that these agencies require fees for their assistance.  Most of them in the range of 

I chose to find an agency with a local office in Cebu.  One that I can personally visit and talk to.  I am more comfortable with that.  I'd like to personally see the people I am working with especially I am paying  a good portion of my hard earned savings.

In addition, I am more blessed to have known a friend who have worked with a local agency that helped him successfully get an Independent-Skilled Immigrant Visa for Australia.  So choosing wasn't that difficult at all.

I would like to keep the agency's name as a secret for now.

If you choose an agency to assist you in your application remember to ask for the name of their Migration Agent.  This person will represent you in your application.  You can look-up the his/her name in the MARA list.

You can also make an internet search for the agency's name and read everything about them.  Clients always post their testimonials online how they feel about an agency especially if they have worked with them directly or had a relative that the agency was able to help with.  Read international and local forums about Filipinos abroad, talk to friends about it, find somebody you know who was helped by an agency, use your network.

And of course, pray.  Pray that the good Lord will lead you to the agency that can help you achieve your goals.

What agency do you have in mind?  Why that agency?

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